Sunny Leone, a household name in the entertainment world, has made her much-anticipated entry into Telugu television. She's taken on the role of a judge in a brand-new reality show that premiered recently on a popular Telugu channel.

The show, aptly named "Telugu Medium ISchool," introduces a unique concept. It showcases foreigners engaging in entertaining activities and interactions with Telugu comedians while conversing in Telugu. This novel blend of entertainment has garnered attention.

Fill inThe show boasts an impressive cast of participants, including former Bigg Boss contestants Ariyana Glory, Mahesh Vitta, Faima, Gangavva, and accomplished comedians like Appa Rao, Mahesh, Reshmi, Gomathi, and Badram. some text

Adding to the show's charisma are its hosts, Ravi and Dhee fame Pandu. Their vibrant presence promises to keep viewers engaged throughout the series.

"Telugu Medium ISchool" features participants from various countries, such as the USA, Japan, African Island, Scotland, Russia, the UK, and more. These foreign contestants immerse themselves in fun activities with Telugu comedians, some even attempting to mimic Telugu star heroes.

The show's set emulates a rustic village backdrop, with local villagers serving as the lively audience, enhancing the show's atmosphere.

A notable highlight is Anchor Ravi's endeavor to teach Telugu to Sunny Leone. This comical segment has elicited laughter as Sunny navigates Telugu words, creating humorous moments.

Comedians Mahesh and Pandu engage in friendly competition to win Sunny Leone's favor, with amusing antics like push-up challenges to secure a spot on her team.

In conclusion, "Telugu Medium ISchool" presents a fresh and engaging concept that has already piqued the audience's curiosity. Sunny Leone's presence in this reality show is expected to be a pivotal factor in its success. The fusion of culture, comedy, and language ensures an enjoyable viewing experience that appeals to a broad audience.